Nomenclature: Unmanned Systems (UxS) spans all domains—air, ground, marine, and space—while also addressing multi-domain operations. The term is purposefully broad, encompassing remotely operated, semi-autonomous, and fully autonomous systems, making it adaptable to ongoing innovation.
Who can enter the Vanguard Innovation Awards competition?
Companies and individuals with accomplishments in autonomous, unmanned, and adjacent spaces are eligible for consideration.
What timespan should an entry cover?
Development may have begun earlier, but the submitted innovation should have come to fruition and demonstrated impact during 2024. State your case accordingly.
Can I offer a particular entry in more than one category?
Yes, you can enter an innovation in up to two categories. But you may want to tailor your statement and supporting material to make your best argument for each.
How many entries can a company enter?
There is no limit beyond the two-category maximum for individual innovations.
What makes for a complete entry?
Be sure to include your impact statement, a relevant image, a logo if relevant, up to two supporting documents, and all contact information. Checkmark the content release box to finalize eligibility.
What’s the deadline for entries?
All submissions must be completed and entered by March 17th, 2025.
How much does it cost to enter the Innovation Vanguard Awards?
There is no charge to enter.
How will finalists and winners be chosen?
Teams of judges with distinguished accomplishments in the autonomous/unmanned space will choose finalists and winners, augmented by top staffers at Inside Unmanned Systems. Judges will be identified as part of the Awards Ceremony.
When will finalists and winners be announced?
Finalists are expected to be announced on Monday, April 28th. We hope you can attend the awards ceremony at AUVSI XPONENTIAL, Thursday morning, May 22, at the George W. Bush Convention Center in Houston.
What if I can’t be there in person to accept an award?
Awards will be sent to the contact person identified in the entry form. We cannot send material to P.O. boxes.
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